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More Lame Teabagger Hackery

By mike flugennockMonday - August 23rd, 2010Categories: Obamarama, media, right wingnuts

They love me! They really, really love me!

After spending the better part of the past two or three months cranking ‘em out every other week — including more goddamn’ oil spill cartoons than I care to think about — I decided to take a break and finish getting ready for my two-week trip to South Africa, which I just returned from this past weekend.

So, the other night, while doing my normal rounds of rightist blog surfing for cheap laffs, what should I stumble over but this entry at Michael Wolfe’s blog at, declaring the Teabaggers’ opposition is hypocritical and swearing all up and down that the Tea Party “Movement” isn’t racist, despite the recent Philadelphia rally which was made of FAIL, the recent video-hacking antics of Little Andy Breitbart and the racist email blasting of New York Gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino.

Along with citing my video of the July 4, 2009 Teabagger rally on Capitol Hill, Mr. Wolfe also took considerable liberties with my work in the form of an attempted parody of my late 2008 cartoon “Obama’s Big Bus”:

I briefly considered writing to complain and to post a takedown notice under the Digital Millenium Copyright Act, except that 1: parody, as I recall, falls under “fair use”, and 2: I was unable to type properly as I was laughing so hard, although not in the manner that Wolfe might have intended.

So I finally decided, what the hell, man; why not keep it classy and be a good sport? And, besides, as they say, any publicity is good publicity. Thanks, Wolfe.

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