Posts Tagged ‘Abortion’

But… What About Abortion?

By mike flugennockFriday - February 2nd, 2024Categories: 2024 Election, Bidenism, Middle East, Palestine, Party Animals, media

Normally, my Daily Random 15 Seconds Of MSNBC is your standard-issue eyeroll-inducing partisan babbling, but Steve Kornacki’s election report last week totally warmed my heart. Best goddamn news I’d heard in months. F’crissake, Genocide Joe is FIFTY POINTS UNDERWATER with voters 18-34, reportedly the group he needs the most to get his filthy ass re-elected. FIFTY POINTS.

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The Cake Was Not A Lie

By mike flugennockSunday - May 21st, 2023Categories: 2024 Election, Health Care, liberty, right wingnuts

Yeah, I know the Florida Legislature Dancing And Cake Story broke nearly 2 weeks ago, but at the time, I was busy finishing the job of “Finishing The Job”.

So, aaaa-aanyway… if the almighty Fact-Checking Industrial Complex is to be believed, the dancing was not at the end of the session, but before they settled down to the business of otherizing, criminalizing, villifying and immiserating a major portion of the whole goddamn state with a legislative horrorshow.

Luckily for me, though, the part of the story that was true was the cake part. According to this big, hot steamy bucket of gloat in the DC Enquirer*, a Florida legislative staffer mocked protesters at the State Capitol at the time by eating cake at their desks in front of them.

So, it seems that just this once, the cake is not a lie.

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*CONTENT WARNING: Yet another fascist rag in DC — as if the Examiner and the Times aren’t enough; article cites Andy Ngo tweets, and some shit-take dropping fascist tool declaring “Make America Florida”. They did, however, get the cake-eating part right.

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Happy Trails!

By mike flugennockSunday - September 5th, 2021Categories: Bidenism, Health Care, Party Animals, elections

Is it just me, or has The Atlantic become our one-stop shop for tone-deaf shit takes? My current favorite clunker concerns the fascist abortion law in Texas, and its potential to turn out the vote for the Democrats. Yeah, that’s right — Texas has gone full-on fascist with this shit, a fistful of other states are reportedly considering going that way, and the Democrats’ number one priority is — exploiting encroaching fascism to rustle up votes and money for the midterms, and herd the Left back into the Party. Git along, little dogies. H’yahhh.

if you are playing games with repoduction rights to stick it to the other side in the midterms then you’re not fighting for anyone’s rights, you’re fighting for your own power.
And while we see you doing nothing in power except offering empty promises for when you get more,

vegan honk thinks it’s fucked, @VeganHonk666 on Twitter

C’mon, Trigger, we can still ketch ‘em…! Yippie Ty yi yayy!
Time for a song, now…

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Guardian Of Law

By mike flugennockFriday - September 28th, 2018Categories: Health Care, Party Animals, Trumpism, liberty, right wingnuts

Just going to leave this here… not addressing the Kavanaugh nomination specifically, but more of a general commentary on a long-decrepit American institution.

(Inspired by James Earle Fraser’s “Guardian of Law” at the West Steps of the Supreme Court Building.)

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