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Thousands March for Gaza in DC

By mike flugennockSunday - August 3rd, 2014Categories: Middle East, Obamarama, War on Terror, war and peace

Gaza Solidarity Mobilization, Washington DC 08.02.14 from Mike Flugennock on Vimeo.

Far more folks than I expected rolled into DC yesterday afternoon to pack Lafayette Square and get all up into President Farting Rainbows’ face about Gaza.

The word I heard flying around the park was that this was the biggest demonstration in the US so far, which was a surprise considering how big the Chicago march was.

Total running time: 02:58

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Congressional Oversight

By mike flugennockSaturday - August 2nd, 2014Categories: DC Local, elections, liberty

Those of you who’ve been following the recent decriminalization of marijuana in DC — and the current Initiative 71 legalization campaign — have had a little taste of how badly Congress jerks us around in terms of self-government and self-determination.

We’ve had meddling Congressmen trying to scuttle our gun control laws, prevent us from funding abortions and, most recently, the notorious Maryland Rep. Andy Harris trying to stop us from implementing marijuana decriminalization — and probably one of the biggest fears right now is that Congress will try to interfere in the upcoming election here, where we’ll be electing a new Mayor, and voting on whether or not to legalize marijuana.

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Reporting Is Resistance

By mike flugennockThursday - July 24th, 2014Categories: Middle East, liberty, media, war and peace

From police assaults on citizens photographing Occupy protests to Al Jazeera reporters’ imprisonment by the Egyptian regime, journalists have endured escalating attacks by authoritarian regimes both in the US and abroad.

It’s gotten to the point where simply reporting the news is an act of resistance.

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Soggy, Used Teabagger

By mike flugennockTuesday - July 15th, 2014Categories: DC Local, Party Animals, elections, liberty, right wingnuts

So… when we last left DC, it was being bullied by the Federal Government in the person of one US Rep. Andy Harris of Maryland, over DC’s city council vote to decriminalize marijuana.

What I didn’t find out until just last week is that Harris ran with the Tea Party and was elected as part of the big Teabagger Wave. And here he is, using Federal power to interfere with the affairs of State and local governments. So, how’s that going down with the “base”, Mr. Get The Feds Off Our Backs?

11×12 inch medium-res grayscale .jpg image, 502kb.

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