Happy Goddamn New Year
“REGRET From Military”, it says here.
That’s right — REGRET for “unintended harm”.
Oh, for Christ’s sake, why do these goddamn thugs even bother? Who do they think they’re kidding? Do they think that after nearly 3 months of genocidal brutality, fascistic bullying, threats and media lies, Genocide Joe’s little buddy actually expects us to believe that they REGRET this goddamn horror show?
The threat of the Bad Old Rethuglicans taking over stopped scaring me nearly 30 years ago, and right now it scares me even less, if such a thing is possible. Four more years of Trump? Big goddamn deal; we’ve ALREADY been through 4 more years of Trump, so I could give the slightest molecule of a rat’s ass who “wins” your goddamn “election” next year. For all I care, the Democrats can get their asses shredded so goddamn bad that they have to be identified via dental records. At this point, I don’t care so much about defeating Trump as I do about defeating America.
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Know Your Enemy
So, this week, about two and a half months into this horror, it finally dawned on Genocide Joe and the New York Times that relentlessly bombing the ever-lovin’ piss out of a practically defenseless civilian population which is at least half children in a genocidal campaign of ethnic cleansing might cause you some PR issues down the road…
Rules-Based Order
To think that all the arduous years I spent assiduously avoiding dropping a “fallen and can’t get up” gag could be undone by this single column at The Cradle last week. If Amerika’s imperial batshittery in Ukraine hasn’t totally wrecked our rep with the rest of the Earth, than our enabling Israeli butchery in Palestine pretty much ripped our mask the rest of the way off.
We’ve fallen, and we can’t get up.
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For real, serious — the USA and Israel are obviously 110% on the wrong side of history, millions around the Earth are standing together against their butchery, and the only response that the USA, Israel and their media flunkies can muster is to basically just scream back at us to shut up and then try to pretend we don’t exist. If it weren’t so disgusting, it’d be even more hilarious; these bastards have built themselves a seriously goofy alternate reality and are determined to stay in it even while it’s collapsing on them. It’s as if they actually know how much of the Earth actually believes their shit, but it’s all they got, so they have to stick with it.
Meanwhile, yesterday saw the “National March For Israel” polluting my neighborhood — from all accounts, spit in the ocean compared to the waves of uprising going on against their fascist asses and, as I’d guessed, the likes of MSNBC were absolutely all over this horseshit this morning. I could almost smell Joe Scarborough & krew soaking their panties on the air as they swooned over that gaggle. “Politicians, celebrities, hostages’ family members joined thousands…” they gushed all morning today; the MSNBC anchor didn’t even bother to tamp down the schoolgirl pride welling up in her voice. The celebrities included alleged actress and veteran Left basher extraordinaire Debra Messing, which ought to tell you something.
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