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Google Censorship: 100% “Toxic”

By mike flugennockFriday - August 18th, 2017Categories: Party Animals, Russiagate, liberty, media

Under the pretense of filtering “fake news”, Google has begun actively working to suppress Leftist and Progressive news and opinion sites on the Internet with heavily-tweaked algorithms and “toxicity” ratings. Artificial Intelligence? Artificial IDIOCY, more like.

Well, I’ve applied my own intelligence to this issue, and I’ve determined that Google is 100% “toxic”.

Chew on that, Larry and Sergey.

11×16 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 544kb

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“Peak Liberal” Featured on the Jimmy Dore Show

By mike flugennockTuesday - August 15th, 2017Categories: 2016 Election, Party Animals, Russiagate, elections, media

As usual, it seems I’m always the last to find out about stuff like this. Still, better late than never…

Back in May, the always razor-sharp Jimmy Dore Show featured my “Peak Liberal” cartoon in an episode discussing Liberals’ insane obsession with their Russia conspiracy wankery in the context of the then-upcoming “March For Truth” held in Washington, DC this past June.

As Jimmy points out, the look, attitude and overall idiocy of Liberals’ public events openly displaying their cracked-up freakery is a classic case of “life imitating art”.

“Peak Liberal”, originally published 02.20.17, 11×13 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 900kb

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The Democrats’ “Donut” Meme, Annotated

By mike flugennockSaturday - August 12th, 2017Categories: 2016 Election, Party Animals, Russiagate, elections, media

This cartoon was inspired by the latest in a series of lame, insipid Democratic Party memes in the tradition of “covfefe” and the immortal “Love Trumps Hate”.

This week, The Nation magazine published a bombshell article that basically blew the Democrats’ Russian Hacker conspiracy wankery clean out of the water. According to a team of IT experts and digital forensics specialists, there was no Russian hack at all, but a good old-fashioned home-grown leak, an inside job by somebody with a thumb drive or other portable media who simply copied the data in question and just walked out with it.

And if that wasn’t worthy of a “woo hoo” from those of us who aren’t cracked out of our minds, this curt, elegant editors’ note from The Nation made it even more delightful. I felt a disturbance in The Farce — as if a million Liberals cried out, and then were silent.

10×14 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 635kb

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Section 8 Smoker

By mike flugennockThursday - July 27th, 2017Categories: DC Local, Economy, Health Care, liberty

While it’s been legal to possess and consume cannabis in DC since February of 2015, citizens here can still only do it in their private homes, which leaves many rental housing residents — particularly tenants in Federally-subsidized Section 8 public housing — in a rough spot.

(continue reading…)

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