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There’s An App For That

By mike flugennockTuesday - February 4th, 2020Categories: 2020 Election, Party Animals, elections, media

Well, that sure was some skanky-ass to-do we had out in Iowa this week. Sanders was looking really good to take it, but then they suddenly “delayed” the results because of an issue with a skanky vote-reporting app — a skanky app coded by a skanky company operated by old Hillary campaign stooges and which has also worked for the Buttigieg campaign.

I’m so not into the tinfoil hat thing, but when the DNC announces their new “troll hunting” campaign against “disinformation” on the Internet, and then their vote-tracking app built by a bunch of Hillary hacks implodes as Mayo Pete declares himself the winner — kinda like that Guaido guy — you just can’t help thinking something is really, really stanky around here.

You couldn’t expect less from an outfit called Shadow, Inc. Look out, Nevada.

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Vote Undead

By mike flugennockFriday - January 31st, 2020Categories: DC Local, elections

Like sands through the hourglass… so are the days of our Jack. DC City Councilman Jack Evans — you will recall — was recently forced to resign his Council seat in disgrace after a wave of scandals including the WMATA Board Of Directors and Colonial Parking.

So, slimy Jack — predictably, somehow — has filed to run again for the City Council seat he was recently forced to resign from in disgrace… you will recall… Oh, for the days when disgraced politicians had the class and decency to go away and stay gone…

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Out! Out, damned spot!

By mike flugennockThursday - January 16th, 2020Categories: 2020 Election, Party Animals, elections, media

Man, it sure has been a helluva week for Fauxcohantas, huh? The Politico hit-piece smears on Sanders that blew up in her face, the roasting that she and CNN are getting for the treatment they gave Sanders at the Democratic Debate, the wave of requests for donation refunds so big it choked the servers at ActBlue… Fauxcohantas is going down like the Hindenburg, and I can’t pretend I’m not enjoying it.

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Media, Bloody Media

By mike flugennockThursday - January 9th, 2020Categories: 2020 Election, Middle East, Trumpism, media, right wingnuts, war and peace

Not even in the sickest depths of Iraq War v2.0 did I hear anyone in the media quite this wide-open raving, drooling and horny for war as ex-White House henchman and current right-wing radio howler Sebastian Gorka. Dude totally sails over the edge of the Earth, comes around the other side, proclaims the US to be a “hyperpower”, then sails over the edge again on — who else but — Lou Dobbs’ program on Fox Business.

The guy is scum to the bone — just check him out for a few seconds — but you still have to give him credit for having the sheer naked cajones to come right how and declare how horny he is for war in the public media. Dude’s not even hiding it; big ups for that, at least.

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