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Freedom Isn’t Free

By mike flugennockFriday - July 17th, 2020Categories: Health Care, Trumpism, coronavirus, right wingnuts

Getting up to date in our Thinning Out The Stupid Gene Department: Florida, gung-ho for reopening, beaches crowded as hell, has set a new one-day record for new COVID19 cases; even as one state after another begins mandating mask use, the governor of Georgia has stuck a blow for freedom by barring municipalities from mandating masks and, elsewhere in the Covidiot Universe, the co-founder of ReOpen Maryland — one of many groups standing up for our Constitutional right to manicures and ice cream — tested positive for COVID19 just a couple of weeks ago.

But as it’s often said — Freedom Isn’t Free.

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Hail To The Covids!

By mike flugennockTuesday - July 14th, 2020Categories: Black Lives Matter, DC Local, Health Care, coronavirus

On top of all the uprising and rioting and pulling down statues and all that other great stuff, it looks as if Dan Snyder has finally gotten the message and is changing the name of the Washington, DC NFL franchise to something that isn’t a horrid racial slur.

With a decision like this, of course, there also comes the usual flood of suggestions and proposals — and I’m certainly not one to shirk my creative duty.

I, for one, think the new name of the team should be the Washington Covids, because our policies and attitude have been like a plague around the world, and also because Americans are pretty much banned from entering any other country on Earth at this point.

And, as luck would have it, the July 8th Washington Post featured an article which basically details the moaning and wailing from NFL sponsors and TV advertisers if the pandemic precludes any chance of even actually playing a season this year. It’s pretty obvious they don’t really give a shit about the sport; they just need some guys playing football to put on TV so that all the corporations who flushed down all that marketing cash can show us their goddamn advertising.

So, basically, no NFL = capitalism takes a bath. Cry me a goddamn river.

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Covid Brunch

By mike flugennockSunday - July 5th, 2020Categories: Economy, Health Care, Trumpism, coronavirus

Here in Washington, DC, we’re in Phase II of Pretending It’s All Over And Everything’s OKthat is, “reopening the economy”. Right about now, some restaurants are re-opening for socially-distanced dine-in — meaning, of course, lots of waitstaff and bartenders working for crap wages plus tips, many threatened with firing, desperately trying to avoid infection by getting themselves up like dentists in order to serve maskless, feckless, blissfully ignorant bougie America.

Yet another one inspired by this classic tweet from Benjamin Dixon:

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So Over Quarantine

By mike flugennockThursday - July 2nd, 2020Categories: coronavirus

All across the US, the economy is “reopening”. Despite new cases hitting a new record, cities all over the country are beginning to re-open bars and restaurants so that selfish, pasty-assed, whiny, non-mask-wearing America can go out and be served by people working with little or no adequate protection for crap wages and crap benefits — or often, no benefits at all. In my own hometown of Washington DC, we’re currently in Phase II of Pretending It’s Over And Everything Is OK.

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