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Independence Day

By mike flugennockWednesday - March 17th, 2021Categories: Bidenism, coronavirus, Health Care, media

“If we do all this, if we do our part, we do this together, by July Fourth there’s a good chance you, your families and friends will be able to get together in your backyard, or in your neighborhood, and have a cookout and a barbecue and celebrate Independence Day…”
—Joe Biden, 03.11.2021

So, that’s the big-ass far-reaching goal here, huh? A “good chance” we’ll be able to sorta kinda hang out on the Fourth of July. Not that the Fourth Of July has really meant anything at all to me in the past 15, 20 years, but still… that’s the big challenge to the nation?

D’ahh, well. Granted, that speech wasn’t exactly JFK’s “We Choose To Go To The Moon In This Decade” challenge, but sometimes you just have to take what you can get.

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Extended mix, 14×30 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 2.5 mb

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Boop boop bee doop!

By mike flugennockSunday - March 7th, 2021Categories: coronavirus, Economy, Health Care

Ever since the 1988 Dukakis tank-driving campaign ad ushered in the modern era of media fuckery, all the way through to Nancy Pelosi’s fridge, the Democrats have been the Party Of Just Not Fucking Getting It. F’crissake, the woman who sang the Anthem at CPAC wasn’t as tone-deaf as the goddamn Democrats.

And so it was that Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) gave us her own Marie Antoinette moment, live on C-SPAN, as she cast her “no” vote on the minimum wage raise in the current toothless COVID Relief Bill.

Have this woman’s staff and media people just once taken her aside and reminded her that C-SPAN telecasts live from the floor of the Senate, where the whole goddamn planet and their cats can see her feckless hijinks?

My guess is that people like Sen. Sinema are fully aware, but just don’t care — and that this moment is not just indicative of her own attitude, but that of the entire Democratic Party.

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Listen To The Science!

By mike flugennockTuesday - March 2nd, 2021Categories: coronavirus, Health Care, media

Oh, sweet jeeeeeezus, where do I even start with this? What, are they taking a break from slagging on Maduro? It’s almost breathtaking, the way the Post is so obviously, openly mortified that the poor are being vaccinated first in Mexico…

(continue reading…)

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What’s In A Name?

By mike flugennockFriday - February 26th, 2021Categories: Bidenism, liberty, Party Animals

“Meet the new boss, you’ll be amazed at the similarities between him and the old boss.”
—Eoin Higgins on Twitter, 02.23.2021

What’s in a name? I mean, what really is a “detention facility”, anyway? Apparently, anything Gropin’ Joe and his flunkies say it is, or isn’t.

No matter what the answer, I have to admit that it was deee-lish reading about how White House mouthpiece Jen Psaki faceplanted and Liberals twisted themselves into pretzels trying to convince us that kids in cages are not, in fact, kids in goddamn cages.

“We CaN pUsH hIm LeFt…!”

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