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Axis Of Resistance

By mike flugennockThursday - July 29th, 2021Categories: Bidenism, Globalization

Cuba hanging tough, helping vaccinate the world, getting solidarity and help from all over; Bolivia bouncing that fascist hag Añez; Sandanistas standing firm against US-backed “SOS” astroturf; Venezuela clapping back at US-backed provocateurs and third-rate wannabe Jack Ryans; Peru tossing Fujimori… yeah, these are the kind of “red states” I like.

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Zombie Republic

By mike flugennockSaturday - July 24th, 2021Categories: Health Care, coronavirus, liberty

California… prophet on the burnin’ shore… where Gavin Newsom is whipping the kids back to school so he can whip their parents back to work, where new cases of COVID-19 are up 165% in Los Angeles County at least partially due to brilliance like this:

“…Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva stated that the mandate will not be enforced as it is ‘not backed by science’ and contradicts the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which recommends only that the unvaccinated wear masks.”

— “COVID-19 cases rise by 165 percent in California since lifting of restrictions in June”, 07.22.2021

The reputation of the LAPD and the L.A. Sheriff’s Department was already so deep in the toilet they couldn’t possibly make it worse — until the goddamn sheriff of L.A. County decided he was going to be their goddamn doctor, too.

A hundred and sixty-five goddamn percent.

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Meanwhile, in Miami…

By mike flugennockThursday - July 15th, 2021Categories: Trumpism, right wingnuts

Meanwhile, in Miami, the pro-Cuban “democracy movement” consists mostly of pissed-off gusanos who want their grandfathers’ casinos back.

Weird how this just keeps happening
— Socialist Sysadmin, @reset_by_peer on Twitter 07.13.2021

And recently, the gusanos’ scrawny-ass rallies in support of the US-instigated Cuban “color revolution” have featured large numbers of the “Proud Boys” fascist gang — along with other assorted Trumpsters and January 6th insurrectionists — and the gusanos don’t seem to give a rat’s ass one way or the other, likely because they’re a bunch of fascists themselves. It’s so obvious at this point that you could hang a lampshade on it.

Just as in the 1930s — scratch an anti-communist, find a fascist.

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Low-Priority File

By mike flugennockWednesday - June 30th, 2021Categories: Bidenism, Economy, Health Care, Party Animals, coronavirus, elections, environment

…and apparently, for the Washington Post and the Democratic Party, holding their President to account for unfulfilled campaign promises is lodged in a low-priority file somewhere between “Can’t Be Bothered” and “Tough Shit”.

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