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Poor Man’s F-16

By mike flugennockThursday - July 27th, 2006Categories: Middle East, Palestine, War on Terror, liberty, media, war and peace

So, a few mornings ago, I emerged from my REM fog to NBC video of Palestinian and Lebanese villages being crushed by tanks and missiles and F-16s and the sound of Matt Lauer yammering about Israel’s “right to defend itself”.

Who knows, maybe it was just the hour of the morning, or perhaps I was really and truly revulsed by Israel claiming a right to “defend itself” — by using tanks, missiles, and F-16s against already beaten-down, occupied territories in a country that’s got no imperialist power backing them up, got no tanks, got no Patriot missiles, got no F-16s, got no nukes — not to mention having no food, no water, no medicine, no services…

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“Birth Pangs of a New Middle East”

By mike flugennockTuesday - July 25th, 2006Categories: Bushit, Middle East, Palestine, right wingnuts, war and peace

Is it just me, or did Secretary Of Snake Condolee-ee-ee-eezza Rice make one of her weirdest statements ever last weekend — even weirder than that NBC “Today” interview where she said “freedom is on the march” about half a dozen times? Oh, and I love the part where she says that “We’re going through a very violent time.” “WE”? What do you mean “we”, white woman?


All in all, though, quite a bout of birth pangs, there; shame it couldn’t have been a more quiet, serene and peaceful birthing experience, like Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise’s baby.

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Nuclear Threat

By mike flugennockThursday - June 8th, 2006Categories: Bushit, Middle East, Palestine, war and peace

I saw on the morning news the footage of the first successful synthesis of uranium by the Iranians. I saw a scientist holding up this little capsule of radioactive gas with this theatrically triumphant attitude. As I heard the pundits clucking on TV, I reminded myself, “OK, Iran’s finally gone nuclear, but who’s the real nuclear threat in the Middle East?” Every time I asked myself this, I kept coming up with the same answer:


BIG HINT: it begins with an “I”, ends with an “L”, and has “S-R-A-E” in the middle. Has anyone else noticed how the US Press and the State are shitting themselves over Iran finally managing to produce some crummy-assed smidgen of enriched uranium, while failing to point out that Israel has enough nukes to make a ring of craters around itself?

Let’s take a calm, close look, here. On the one hand, we have a nation that’s just now reached the Pinky And The Brain stage of nuclear development; on the other, a nation with at least 200 functional nuclear weapons of various types — most of which were supplied by the USA — on standby, ready to light the place up. Those of us out here who aren’t profoundly retarded can see who the real nuclear threat is here, and would really appreciate it if the US Media would quit jerking us around.

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Out of Iraq, Into Darfur

By mike flugennockWednesday - May 17th, 2006Categories: Bushit, media, war and peace

Did anyone else here see those Liberals at the April 29th New York City peace mobe toting signs sponsored by Working Assets reading “Out Of Iraq, Into Darfur”? Yeah, it sounded pretty damn’ whacked to me, too.


I mean, c’mon…can you believe that Amnesty International is supporting military intervention in Darfur? Yeah, that sounds even more whacked than a rally of 10,000 Liberals on the Mall a couple of weeks ago yelling for President Chimp to invade… uh, that is, “save” Darfur. Y’know, through the past decade and a half at least, I haven’t seen a single “humanitarian” crisis — real or perceived — that the US State hasn’t tried to exploit for either resource extraction or imperial expansion: Somalia, Kosovo, the Sudan, you name it. If anything about Darfur is “saved”, it’s going to be the big-assed puddle of oil sitting underneath Sudanese soil.

Imperialism and militarism aren’t tools for solving problems — they are the problems. Even the quickest examination of US foreign policy and behavior over the past fifteen years would show you why “Out Of Iraq, Into Darfur” is about the most cockamamie idea to come along since “Anybody But Bush”.

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