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Stop The Raids! July 30

By mike flugennockSaturday - July 10th, 2010Categories: liberty, right wingnuts

I’ve been having a hard time lately coming up with any decent cartoon ideas about the upcoming July 30 sweeps and raids by Sheriff Joe “Heinrich” Arpaio in Arizona in support of their “Papers Please” Law. It seemed all I could come up with were these goddamn’ oil spill cartoons until my comrades at Lady Liberty’s Lamp sent along this iconic old foto of the German Army pulling a raid on a house in the Warsaw Ghetto. Suddenly, the light finally came on in my head; I’ve never been shy of parodying iconic art or fotos, so why not parody this famous foto of Jews being rounded up in Warsaw?

So, here’s one for all my comrades in Arizona, for use on leaflets and for your late-night flypasting pleasure:

Medium-res grayscale image, 16×20 inches, 1mb

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It’s What’s For Dinner!

By mike flugennockSunday - June 27th, 2010Categories: Party Animals, elections

Here’s another piece inspired by an article I saw at one of my all-time favorite Leftie blogs, Stop Me Before I Vote Again — specifically, this entry, containing an especially pithy comment by another one of my Leftie blogozone faves, The Drunken Pundit, who comments:

…With both parties fully in the grip of the industrial-financial-military complex of the American Empire they have to serve up shit sandwiches to everyone but they each need their own distinctive flavor of shit in order to differentiate themselves…

I honestly can’t think of anything else to add to this succinct and elegant analysis — at least not in written words — so, I’m not going to waste time blathering here this time, and just get on with the cartoon:

11×17 inch medium-res jpg image, 624k.

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Nerobama no.2: Still Fiddling

By mike flugennockThursday - June 17th, 2010Categories: Obamarama, environment

OK, so I’ve ripped off one of my own cartoons that I did about a year and a half ago — and it was a cartoon that ripped off a famous painting, at that. Still, given the response of Our Exalted Leader Barack Martin Luther Gandhi Aquinas Timberlake Skywalker Obama The One to the massive man-made environmental disaster in the Gulf Of Mexico, and the incompetence and obstructionism of British Petroleum, it just seemed fitting considering the response — or, should I say non-response — of Our Exalted Leader Barack Martin Luther Gandhi Aquinas Timberlake Skywalker Obama The One to this and every critical situation that’s confronted him since taking office: basically, sitting on his ass and saying silent, making like Nero, and metaphorically fiddling while metaphorical Rome burned — fiddling while Gaza burned, fiddling while Oakland police executed a young black man on a subway platform, fiddling while home foreclosures and unemployment skyrocketed, fiddling while Wall Street ruined the economy, fiddling while Israel committed piracy and murder, and now fiddling while ecosystems and economies on the Gulf Coast are ruined for generations.

Nerobama played golf, hung out with Bono and rocked out with Paul McCartney while the Gulf Of Mexico was destroyed. Only weeks into the debacle did Our Exalted Leader Barack Martin Luther Gandhi Aquinas Timberlake Skywalker Obama The One bother to actually show his face on the Gulf Coast, only to pose for photo ops with the people actually trying to clean up the mess — with “workers” bused in by BP specifically for the photo op — and making inane pronouncements such as this one, in the Gulf Coast town of Theodore, Alabama, this past week:

Apologists for Our Exalted Leader Barack Martin Luther Gandhi Aquinas Timberlake Skywalker Obama The One will point to the fact that he got BP to agree to a $20 billion (a drop in the bucket) escrow fund to pay out damage claims to Gulf Coast residents whose homes and livelihoods were destroyed by BP. Yeah, he finally got that one little thing done, but how long did it take him? Nearly two months, that’s how long — two goddamn months of fiddling, hemming, hawing, and excuse making while BP made pathetically cartoonish attempts to plug the Deepwater Horizon blowout, bought giant ads in the newspapers, bought sponsored keywords on Google, and prevented the press from viewing or photographing the blowout site.

This is something that Our Exalted Leader Barack Martin Luther Gandhi Aquinas Timberlake Skywalker Obama The One should’ve been right on top of from day one, but instead he fiddled.

Medium-res .jpg image, 728k

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A Better Reason To Mark Memorial Day

By mike flugennockTuesday - June 1st, 2010Categories: Middle East, Palestine

israeliembassyMay3110pre01smlDC Joins Millions Worldwide In Speaking Out Against Israeli Murder, Piracy

It was a boisterous and irate crowd that gathered yesterday outside the Israeli Embassy to protest the murder, kidnapping and piracy committed in international waters by the Israeli State against the Gaza Freedom Flotilla humanitarian aid ships destined to defy the Israeli blockade of Gaza. Along with large amounts of food, water and building materials, the ships carried a number of former European legislators, an 86 year-old Holocaust survivor and a Nobel Laureate — that is, a real Nobel Laureate — as opposed to Barack Obama, who might as well have gotten his Nobel Peace Prize out of a goddamn’ Cracker Jack box.

Also present were two — count ‘em, two — members of Code Pink. Still, this was all that was necessary to attempt to inflict damage on the event through their now-patented “demojacking” technique perfected by Code Pink at a pro-Palestinian protest in January of last year. Happily for all of us, though, Code Pink’s attempt to ruin the event amounted to a big ol’ bucket of FAIL as less than ten protesters decided to take them up on a pointless, straggling little march to the White House.

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