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Wall Of Oligarchy

By mike flugennockSunday - July 28th, 2013Categories: Party Animals, elections, media

Ever notice what a pain in the ass it is for dissident/third parties to get any media attention? They hardly ever get any media because it’s damn’ near impossible to get onto the ballot. They can’t get onto the ballot because it’s damn’ near impossible to raise any money. They can’t raise any money because it’s damn’ near impossible to get any media… well, I think you can see where this is headed.

Only The Party is able to raise the gobsmacking amounts of cash needed to get its views into the media, which means that Party propaganda and talking points are all over the TV like a bad rash. Third parties, independent and dissident candidates are pretty much locked out because the tepid liberal and raving rightist freak wings of The Party collude to rig the rules so that they’re the only ones who get to participate in the televised debates — which takes us back to what a pain in the ass it is for dissident/third parties to get any media attention.

This is the first in a series of posters being created for the March Against Corruption, an international day of action — inspired by the uprisings in Brazil — being planned for November 2. Find out more about the March Against Corruption on Farcebook.

11×17 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 820kb

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No Justice, No Nuthin’

By mike flugennockMonday - July 15th, 2013Categories: Obamarama, liberty, media

As I post this, it’s been nearly two days, and I’m still so pissed off that I can hardly see straight — and the really sad thing is that I’m not the least bit surprised. I pretty much learned to expect this after the Rodney King beating verdict.

Meanwhile, across the country, there’ve been some demonstrations, but… not one general strike called, not one student walkout called, not one serious uprising of the people who should be the most enraged about this. Seems they’re all either praying, or just standing around holding signs — or, as the media like to call it today, “an outcry”.

“No Justice, No Peace”? Huh, more like “No Justice, M’eh”.

Everyone is crying out for peace yes
None is crying out for justice

I don’t want no peace
I need equal rights and justice

–Peter Tosh

11×14 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 416kb

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Pipeline Peace Walk Begins!

By mike flugennockTuesday - July 9th, 2013Categories: Obamarama, Occupy, environment

From the Pipeline Peace Walk donations page:

This summer, Love Bomb Seed Bomb, the People’s Garden, the Harvest Collective, Permatecture Design, the Compassionate Earth Walk, Occupy the Keystone XL Pipeline and Pipeline Peace Walk will walk the length of the Keystone XL Pipeline, from the Canadian border in Montana, down to the Gulf of Mexico, in a pilgrimage to defend nature from the Oil Machine. We walk for our children, for nature, the plants and animals, and for the next seven generations of humanity…

…We will walk thousands of miles to shift our reality, and to build a better future, by demanding we depart from the old paradigm, and enter into the new. As we walk we will be visiting communities along the pipeline, lending support to their current struggles, and telling their stories.

Along the way we will be in service to communities who are resisting the Keystone XL Pipeline. We will meet up with Moccasins on the Ground in South Dakota, Farmers Unions in Kansas, Bold Nebraska in Nebraska, Great Plains Tar Sands Resistance in Oklahoma, and Tar Sands Blockade in Texas. Throughout the summer we will be traveling to be in service to these causes, and to help create links between the communities along the Keystone XL Pipeline path. At current, we are also coordinating with #Fearless Summer to create collective movement.

This is the art I created for the cover of the Pipeline Peace Walk Guide, published as an aid to the activists walking the length of the Keystone XL Pipeline. Find out more about the Pipeline Peace Walk on Farcebook here.

11×17 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 1.1mb

How to make a “seed bomb”, part 1

How to make a “seed bomb”, part 2:

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By mike flugennockTuesday - June 11th, 2013Categories: Obamarama, War on Terror, liberty, media

The recent outbreak of revelations regarding the mass surveillance and data mining operations against American citizens by the NSA made it rather serendipitous that I’d finally get around to finishing this poster — a parody of this Apple iPhone ad — this week.

Actually, this idea’s been rattling around for nearly a month, inspired by the revelations concerning the Justice Department’s data slurping of Associated Press phone records, the surveillance of Tea Party groups’ tax records by the IRS, the fiasco at the US “consulate” in Benghazi, Obama’s tap-dancing over the Keystone XL pipeline, the US State’s shielding Monsanto against consequences for its bullying of farmers over the accidental spread of GMO plants onto their lands — and the notorious “Obama Phone Lady” video from the last Presidential freak circus.

16×21 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 1.1mb

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