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Mar-A-Lago Decor

By mike flugennockTuesday - June 13th, 2023Categories: 2020 Election, 2024 Election, Party Animals, Trumpism, media, right wingnuts

Well, hot damn diggety; Trump’s been indicted again, and Liberals’ nipples are exploding with delight all over the US of goddamn A. MSNBC was actually showing us continuous helicopter shots of the motorcade taking Trump to the courthouse while the anchors were babbling, just bashing our heads in with it.

Personally, I got some serious giggles about the way he went about snagging the documents and storing them — like, in the ballroom. Forgetting for a moment that that room already looks like the set of an old Hercules movie — the goddamn ballroom, f’crissake. It looked like the scene after Ferdinand Marcos was deposed from power and he and Imelda were racing around their place trying to shred all their incriminating secret documents before they fled the country — boxes of documents stacked, open and strewn all over, garbage bags full of shredded documents, jammed shredders abandoned all over the place, real amateur-hour shit.

If the Donmonster had any class at all, he’d have just hired an interior decorator to help him hide that stuff in plain sight.

18 x 17.25 inch color .jpg image:
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• high res, 1.9mb

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Thanks For Covering Our Debt — Suckers!

By mike flugennockTuesday - June 6th, 2023Categories: Bidenism, Economy, Health Care, Party Animals, Ukrainamania, war and peace

And so, yet another Debt Ceiling Wrestlemania comes to a close — and as predicted, the ruling class gets the payoff, Zelensky gets new toys, and we get austerity.

14.5 x 17 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 700kb

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The Cake Was Not A Lie

By mike flugennockSunday - May 21st, 2023Categories: 2024 Election, Health Care, liberty, right wingnuts

Yeah, I know the Florida Legislature Dancing And Cake Story broke nearly 2 weeks ago, but at the time, I was busy finishing the job of “Finishing The Job”.

So, aaaa-aanyway… if the almighty Fact-Checking Industrial Complex is to be believed, the dancing was not at the end of the session, but before they settled down to the business of otherizing, criminalizing, villifying and immiserating a major portion of the whole goddamn state with a legislative horrorshow.

Luckily for me, though, the part of the story that was true was the cake part. According to this big, hot steamy bucket of gloat in the DC Enquirer*, a Florida legislative staffer mocked protesters at the State Capitol at the time by eating cake at their desks in front of them.

So, it seems that just this once, the cake is not a lie.

12 x 12.5 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 384kb

*CONTENT WARNING: Yet another fascist rag in DC — as if the Examiner and the Times aren’t enough; article cites Andy Ngo tweets, and some shit-take dropping fascist tool declaring “Make America Florida”. They did, however, get the cake-eating part right.

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Finishing The Job

By mike flugennockFriday - May 12th, 2023Categories: 2024 Election, Bidenism, Economy, Party Animals, Ukrainamania, war and peace

It is with anxiety, chagrin and dread that I present this, my first cartoon of the 2024 Presidential “election” slog…

…and despite the massive disappointment and lack of enthusiasm of huge swaths of Democratic voters, Gropin’ Joe announced his re-election campaign kickoff with a promise to “finish the job”… at which point yours truly, like millions of others, is cringing and asking themselves: what job would THAT be — immiserating the poor and the working class? Terrorizing immigrants and bullying our next-door neighbors? Fattening up the war profiteers and Wall Street? Beating down anti-war dissent in public media? Dragging us into World War III?

Lotta big jobs to finish there, Joester; guess you’re going to need four more years to thoroughly fuck shit up, huh?

10.5 x 11 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 379kb

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