So, while I’m just finishing choking down the news about the DC Gummint — at the urging of Fox Channel 5 News — trying to sock the ANSWER Coalition with a fine for exercising basic Constitutional rights, I get a mailing from Rob Naiman’s “Just Foreign Policy” list mentioning that their Iraqi Deaths Estimator has just rolled over a million. That’s right, a million Iraqi dead since the “Shock’n’Awe” of March 2003 — or 1,012,979, to be exact, as I write this.
That’s right, one Friggin’ MILLION. Jesus Herbert Walker Christ. And that’s not counting the million and a half or more Iraqis this nation murdered with sanctions throughout the 1990s (nobody died when Clinton lied? My ass.).
I’d been noticing lately that Fox News hasn’t spent a whole lot of time reporting on Iraq because, y’know, there just isn’t any goddamn’ good news coming out of that goddamn’ place, unless you count some oft-repeated DoD press release mentioning that the Army has rebuilt some goddamn’ stretch of highway from the airport (that they bombed the piss out of just a while back).
Yeah, when your Empire’s crumbling, the outrage and dissatisfaction are so palpable you can cut ’em with a goddamn’ knife, the one thing you need your press to be doing is exposing the nefarious doings of bands of left-wing wheatpasters defacing the Seat Of Our Empire with free expression.
Left-wing posters? In OUR Capital?