Listen To The Science!

Listen To The Science!

By mike flugennockTuesday - March 2nd, 2021Categories: coronavirus, Health Care, mediaTags:, , , ,

Oh, sweet jeeeeeezus, where do I even start with this? What, are they taking a break from slagging on Maduro? It’s almost breathtaking, the way the Post is so obviously, openly mortified that the poor are being vaccinated first in Mexico…

Not to mention that they’re basically taking this whole article to simply bleat “Listen to the science!” like everybody and their freakin’ dog who’s trying to shoehorn their goddamn agenda into someplace where it doesn’t belong (usually people trying to whip the kids back to school so they can whip their parents back to work). “Listen To The Science” hit my Top Ten Bullshit Alarm List even faster than “Existential Threat”. Why am I not the least surprised to see that clunker so quickly and clumsily weaponized?

I see absolutely jack in the Post about China doing their part in the WHO’s cooperative vaccination program all over Africa and the Global South, but ZOMFG, López Obrador is vaccinating the poor first…! No big surprise here, either, as it seems Obrador is “the new Maduro” at the Post these days.

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