Virtual Delegate
By mike flugennockWednesday - August 19th, 2020Categories: 2020 Election, Black Lives Matter, elections, media, Party AnimalsTags:"For What It's Worth", Buffalo Springfield, Democratic Convention, Stephen Stills
At a shoddy-ass online shindig called the Democratic Convention, where they’re shitting all over the Left by publicly rehabilitating Colin Powell and all other manner of neocon crazies and war criminals, they add the extra kick in the nuts of presenting a rank butchery of one of the most iconic protest songs of all time — with the able assistance of its composer himself. This clumsily performative shit sandwich breaks the Cringe-O-Meter handily, and will be the William Shatner Doing “Rocket Man” Footage of this era.
12×18 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 1.2mb