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Clinton’s Place in History

By mike flugennockSunday - November 1st, 1998Categories: Clintontime, Iraq, media, war and peace

November of ’98, heading towards the end of The Good Old Clintontime, saw the by-now usual Sunday morning spew about the Clinton Legacy. Predictably, this took the form of gushing about “welfare reform” and his Crime Bill, but not a whole lot about the things that were really on peoples’ minds — like the Chinese takeover of American manufacturing, and stagnating wages. What we did hear a lot about, as well, was how well he dealt with the Iraqis, and his decisive action in his missile attacks on The Sudan and Afghanistan — which turned out to have targeted civilians (as usual) and were timed so soon after his video testimony in the Lewinsky Scandal that it could’ve been the premise for a movie (what? wait a minute…)


…which brings us to the real Clinton Legacy, the legacy of one of most right-wing and violent Administrations ever to be winked at and given a free pass by desperate, fawning, attention-whoring American Liberalism. Let’s see… there was extra-Constitutional military violence against Iraq (twice), the Sudan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Serbia; threatening and dick-wiggling at North Korea, Bosnia, and Iran — not to mention the military assault on the Branch Davidian outfit, with young children and elderly inside, right here in the good old USA. All this — on top of assaults on the Constitution at every possible opportunity, most notably in the form of the 1996 Communications Decency Act which sought sweeping censorship powers over the then-emerging Internet and which was deservedly smacked down by the Supreme Court — gave President Elvis Clinton a legacy that any modern head of state could envy, if his name happened to be Deng Xiaoping.

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Paid Political Announcement

By mike flugennockSunday - September 1st, 1996Categories: Clintontime, elections, Iraq, media, war and peace

It was Sam Smith, writing in his Progressive Review, who beautifully characterized the Clinton Mob as “corporate lawyers with their own air force”, and nowhere was that more evident than President Bubba’s seemingly random, shits-and-giggles cruise-missile attacks on Baghdad in the early fall of 1996, right in the midst of his campaign for a second term, and probably for some random made-up “no-fly zone” violation or something.


11×17 medium-res grayscale .jpg image, 470kb.

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Clinton’s (insert failed domestic initiative here)

By mike flugennockSunday - October 31st, 1993Categories: Clintontime, Economy, Health Care, Iraq, liberty, war and peace

With President Bubba ensconced in the Oval Office, we saw a quickly-established pattern of failure in domestic policy initiatives followed by dick-wiggling and small-scale military intervention overseas — or some bad-assed “criminal justice” action at home — in an effort to appear “Presidential”. This was especially noticeable in the areas of economic stimulus and the last laughable attempt at health care “reform”.

clintons6part650w“Economic Stimulus”, medium-res jpg image, 436k; “Health Care Reform”, medium-res jpg image, 492k; “Housing and Education”, medium-res jpg image, 488k; “Reinventing Government”, medium-res jpg image, 428k; “Job-Creation Program”, medium-res jpg image, 516k; “Low-Income Housing Program”, medium-res jpg image, 464k

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Reinventing Government no.2

By mike flugennockFriday - October 1st, 1993Categories: Clintontime, war and peace

Right there it was, smack dab on the front of the Washington Post, this Major, this UN military mission flack, spewing what had to be one of the most twisted, most spectacularly weird and otherworldly excuses ever made for something like spraying unarmed protesters in the streets with machine-gun fire from helicopters and President Bubba, from all reports at the time, being totally OK with that.


One of my friends in one of the crews we had out with this piece tells an interesting story: that night, while saturating Dupont Circle and vicinity with this one, my friend’s crew is beseiged by five or six young College Democrat types whining, “It’s not Bill’s fault!”… sort of a precursor to Chris “Leave Britney Alone!” Crocker at least nine years pre-YouTube. Yeah, that’s right; my pal and his crew were harassed by Liberals for putting up anti-war posters.

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