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By mike flugennockThursday - February 1st, 2018Categories: elections, liberty, media, Party Animals, war and peace

“This is a personal statement. There are no spokesmen for the Yippies. We suggest to all reporters that they ask each and every Yippie in Lincoln Park why they have come to Chicago. We are all our own leaders. We realize this list of demands is inconclusive, they are not really demands. For people to make demands of the Democratic Party is an exercise in wasted wish-fulfillment. If we have a demand, it is simply and emphatically that they, along with their fellow inmates in the Republican Party, cease to exist. We demand a society built along the alternative community in Lincoln Park, a society based on humanitarian cooperation and equality, a society which allows and promotes the creativity present in all people and especially our youth.” – A. Yippie

For those of you “in the know”, I don’t have to explain the big anniversary coming up this summer.

For those of you who aren’t, here’s a quick introduction:

At Wikipedia: The Youth International Party
At Wikipedia: The 1968 Democratic National Convention protests
At The Anarchist Library: Revolution Towards A Free Society: Documents from Chicago 1968

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Last Chance, Punk!

By mike flugennockThursday - September 21st, 2017Categories: Trumpism, war and peace

If you caught any of the Trumpster’s speech at the UN this past week, you’ll know that pretty much the only thing missing was him banging his shoe on the podium and yelling “we will bury you!”.

A fake war threat juiced up with sick-ass lies, a tinhorn enemy made out to be all-powerful, repeatedly screamed claims about weapons of mass destruction, bellicose threats at the UN… jeez, just when did we hear this last time, kids? Don’t everybody jump up at once…

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Mother Of All Bombs

By mike flugennockWednesday - July 12th, 2017Categories: Middle East, Trumpism, war and peace

As of the last UN WHO report, 1310 people have died and nearly 300,000 have been infected in the cholera epidemic in Yemen which followed the bombing campaign carried out by the Saudis with US weapons and equipment.

A massive aerial clobbering followed by cholera — now, that’s your Mother Of All Bombs.

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White Helmet

By mike flugennockSunday - June 25th, 2017Categories: media, Middle East, war and peace, War on Terror

So, yet again, Western media darlings the White Helmets have been caught assisting ISIS and other militant groups in beheadings and decaptitated body disposals in Syria.

Still, the White Helmets are the good guys, right? I mean, the US media told us so, and Netflix made that documentary about them that won an Oscar n’stuff, right?


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“White Helmets Member Caught On Camera Disposing Of Syrian Soldiers’ Mutilated Bodies”, RT June 23 2017

“Syrian White Helmets Suspend Members Caught On Camera During Rebel Execution”, RT May 20 2017

“‘Lies Are Their Agenda’: Canadian Journalist Blasts MSM Syria Coverage At UN Event”, RT Dec 14 2016

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