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Blue Plate Special

By mike flugennockMonday - July 16th, 2018Categories: elections, Middle East, war and peace

A little over a month ago, Democratic Party “rising star” (spit) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted “this is a massacre”, referring to the Israeli slaughter of unarmed Palestinians in Gaza. Needless to say, as soon as the establishment pushed back, she immediately started waffling her ass off and folded faster than Superman on laundry day, saying that she posted that tweet “as an activist” and not a Congressmember. However, now that she’s a member of Congress, she’s apparently willing to “learn and evolve” — which, as someone who grew up in Washington DC, I understand to mean “flip-flop”, or “do an Obama” as we say these days.

Granted, the focus of her activism was on economic issues, but still — if you’re going to run for Congress, you also need to keep up on lots of other issues as well, such as the 70 years of brutal occupation of Palestine and the Gaza Strip by Israel, and the ongoing mass murder of Palestinians in Gaza.

What especially galled the hell out of me is that initially, Ocasio belted out the straight, raw truth — but when the pushback hit, her first instinct was to backpedal rather than show some backbone and stand her ground in solidarity with the people of Gaza against Israeli barbarity. All the walking back, backpedaling and explaining she can possibly do now will do her no good because, as the saying goes, you never get a second chance to make a first impression.

At least we found out early.

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Phantom Pain

By mike flugennockSunday - June 17th, 2018Categories: liberty, Middle East, war and peace

I’m honestly lost for anything ironic or pithy to add to this, so I’m just going to leave this here:

“Maher Harara, 48, from the Shujaiya neighborhood east of Gaza City, told Human Rights Watch that ‘he saw a woman’s finger shot off as she was making a victory sign’ as she stood about 40 meters from the fences.”

— “Impose Sanctions on Netanyahu for Gaza War Crimes, says HRW”,
Electronic Intifada, 06.14.18

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Bipartisanship No. 2

By mike flugennockTuesday - May 15th, 2018Categories: Middle East, Party Animals, war and peace

So, anyway, just so we’re clear on this… the GOP are worried that defense contractors will lose their jobs if we aren’t bombing Syria (or Yemen, or Iran); the Democrats are still “resisting” their weak little asses off, but when it comes to Syria “there’s no one more red, white and blue”, as Phil Ochs says.

There, done.

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Mission Accomplished, no. 3

By mike flugennockMonday - April 16th, 2018Categories: media, Trumpism, war and peace

Just before the latest round of US bombing in Syria, I found myself appalled at a sabre-rattling op-ed in the Washington Post bearing the bloodthirsty declaration “We Need To Go Big In Syria. North Korea Is Watching”. Never mind that we’re bombing Syria again despite no real evidence of chemical attacks, and before the OPCW inspectors could get in to investigate — hell, evidence is for squares these days — the US media have totally shifted from the issue of fabricated chemical attacks to this tinhorn in North Korea who we’re supposed to be scared to death of despite not being able to get his missles to work and whose nuclear arsenal isn’t even 1/10 the size of the US — the only nation in history to have actually used nuclear weapons.

Yeah, let’s make an example of this tinhorn in order to put the fear of god into this other tinhorn — classic crass schoolyard bullying. What else could you expect from an old GW Bush flunkie?

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