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Peak Liberal

By mike flugennockMonday - February 20th, 2017Categories: media, Party Animals, Russiagate

So, Liberals are telling us that the media who lied to us since forever are the friends of the People now, and so are the CIA.

OK, whatever, Sparky.

Aaaaaaaa-aand, that’s all I’ve got for you on this hot mess right now, folks.

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Dinnertime For Democrats

By mike flugennockTuesday - January 10th, 2017Categories: 2016 Election, elections, media, Party Animals, Russiagate

I’m at the point now where I’m thinking it was actually worth it all, just to finally see the Democratic Party having to eat its own dog food.

It’s been two months since they lost, and those clowns are still at it — shrieking, bitching, red-baiting, blame-shifting; it was the Greens, Wikileaks, the Russians, the Bernie Bros, the Russians, the non-voters, the Russians, the Russians, the Russians — you get the idea.

My suggestion to all you Democrats out there is to quit your damn whining and choke it down. There’s not a speck of cereal, you know.

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The Democrats’ Baggage

By mike flugennockThursday - November 10th, 2016Categories: 2016 Election, elections, Party Animals, Russiagate

True to classic form, the Democratic Party is desperately looking for somebody to blame — anybody but itself — for Tuesday’s Presidential catastrophe. Never mind the hopeless load of their own baggage they were schlepping around through the entire campaign — and this pile ain’t gonna fit in any overhead bin, either.

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Smashing Blackberries

By mike flugennockWednesday - September 7th, 2016Categories: 2016 Election, Clintontime, elections, media, Party Animals, Russiagate

When I picked up the morning Post off my front stoop last Tuesday morning and got a look at the front page, I knew this was arguably one of their most sublimely insulting headlines ever. Here was the Ice Queen obviously destroying evidence under investigation — along with other actions that would result in immediate firing and imprisonment for people who aren’t Hillary Clinton — and the Washington Post is queefing out yet another blast of tired old 1950s red-baiting and dick-wagging, continuing to aid Clinton and the Democrats’ ongoing deflection of blame and claims of victimhood.

After over a year of Hillary and the Democrats’ lies, half-truths, primary rigging, thievery, bullying, threats and insults, the Washington Post still insists that it’s the Russians — the goddamn’ Russians — who are responsible for the loss of faith and trust in the American electoral process. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I don’t need the Russians’ help to lose my trust in American “democracy”.

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