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The Most Busted Name In News

By mike flugennockTuesday - December 12th, 2017Categories: media, Russiagate

It sure has been a real shitburner of a month for U.S. corporate media, hasn’t it? Aside from other notable debacles last week, the top honors went to CNN for their spectacular self-own involving the wrong date on an email in a Wikileaks trove in its “bombshell” Russiagate report which cited multiple sources — unnamed, of course. Once the correct date on the email was revealed, CNN’s “bombshell” — like pretty much all U.S. media Russiagate “bombshells” — turned out to be a big, empty dry fart.

But wait, there’s more! After that whole hot mess collapsed, David Frum, senior editor of The Atlantic, added to the hilarity by going on CNN, looking the whole country straight in the eye, and telling us that “The mistakes are precisely the reason people should trust the media.” Ohhhh, yeeeaaahhh. Keep fucking that chicken, Dave.

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The Latest Russiagate “Smoking Gun”

By mike flugennockWednesday - November 15th, 2017Categories: 2016 Election, elections, media, Russiagate

And so, yet another wannabe neo-McCarthyite “journalist” is busted faking it at a major US media outlet. I can’t pretend I’m not enjoying this.

This was inspired by an article that appeared this week in Sputnik News which totally shreds the hell out of a sloppy-ass hit piece by Julia Ioffe in The Atlantic about a meeting between Julian Assange and Donald Trump Jr. which was trumpeted as some kind of “smoking gun” that would validate the last year and a half’s worth of neo-McCarthyite conspiracist freakery.

Drip, drip, drip — muthafuckaaahhhs.

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Houston, We Have A Problem

By mike flugennockFriday - September 1st, 2017Categories: environment, media, Party Animals, Russiagate

Just to catch everybody up on the hurricane situation: the Republicans don’t believe climate change is real and might actually be a hoax; the Democrats believe climate change is real, but are trying to pin it on the Russians.

So, everybody straight on this?

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Google Censorship: 100% “Toxic”

By mike flugennockFriday - August 18th, 2017Categories: liberty, media, Party Animals, Russiagate

Under the pretense of filtering “fake news”, Google has begun actively working to suppress Leftist and Progressive news and opinion sites on the Internet with heavily-tweaked algorithms and “toxicity” ratings. Artificial Intelligence? Artificial IDIOCY, more like.

Well, I’ve applied my own intelligence to this issue, and I’ve determined that Google is 100% “toxic”.

Chew on that, Larry and Sergey.

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