“Unlike Donald Trump, I do not consider Vladimir Putin a good friend…”
Sen. Bernie Sanders, 02.21.2020
Bernie beats Trump, my skinny old hippie ass. Dude bends the knee to McCarthyists, tripping out of his mind on the Russiagate Kool-Aid. Meanwhile, Gropin’ Joe Biden’s cognitive decline is on full display, just waiting to be exploited; Trump’s all over it, but Sanders…? Nahh, sonofabitch is as weak as herbal tea; Biden’s deteriorating mental state is like a loaded gun on the table, but Sanders is too much of a pussy to pick the goddamn thing up and pull the trigger.
All Sanders wants to do it go along to get along. Christ, what a candy-ass. Why is he so afraid to fight dirty? We’re at war here, and you don’t win a war by fighting clean — you do it by back-stabbing, sucker-punching, ambushing, truck-bombing. Just ask the Viet Cong.
It’s pretty obvious at this point that Sanders isn’t in it to win — he’s in it to waste the Left’s time, to drain their time, energy and life’s blood, keep them from bolting the Party, screw them at the Convention and leave them with nothing, just like four years ago.
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