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Freedom Isn’t Free

By mike flugennockFriday - July 17th, 2020Categories: coronavirus, Health Care, right wingnuts, Trumpism

Getting up to date in our Thinning Out The Stupid Gene Department: Florida, gung-ho for reopening, beaches crowded as hell, has set a new one-day record for new COVID19 cases; even as one state after another begins mandating mask use, the governor of Georgia has stuck a blow for freedom by barring municipalities from mandating masks and, elsewhere in the Covidiot Universe, the co-founder of ReOpen Maryland — one of many groups standing up for our Constitutional right to manicures and ice cream — tested positive for COVID19 just a couple of weeks ago.

But as it’s often said — Freedom Isn’t Free.

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Covid Brunch

By mike flugennockSunday - July 5th, 2020Categories: coronavirus, Economy, Health Care, Trumpism

Here in Washington, DC, we’re in Phase II of Pretending It’s All Over And Everything’s OKthat is, “reopening the economy”. Right about now, some restaurants are re-opening for socially-distanced dine-in — meaning, of course, lots of waitstaff and bartenders working for crap wages plus tips, many threatened with firing, desperately trying to avoid infection by getting themselves up like dentists in order to serve maskless, feckless, blissfully ignorant bougie America.

Yet another one inspired by this classic tweet from Benjamin Dixon:

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Visible From Orbit

By mike flugennockFriday - June 12th, 2020Categories: Black Lives Matter, DC Local, liberty, Trumpism

So, as I suspected… Mayor Bowser doesn’t really give a rat’s ass about the MPDC terrorizing and murdering Black citizens of DC, or about protesters being tear-gassed and run off the street so Trump can do his foto op at St. John’s Church, or our city being invaded by the goddamn 82nd Airborne — she just wanted to own Trump and nab some TV time.

Not even a week after painting “Black Lives Matter” in huge-ass letters taking up two blocks of 16th Street between K Street and Lafayette Park, she was browbeating the city council to “slow down” on police “reform” (clipping from Washington Post, June 11 2020).

New York City mayor De Blasio, not to be outdone, decided to name one street in each borough “Black Lives Matter Street” — after allowing the NYPD to also terrorize, beat, torture and murder New Yorkers for the better part of a week.

Still, there was no topping Bowser. All De Blasio did was put up a bunch of crummy street signs; Bowser’s hypocrisy is visible from orbit.

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By mike flugennockTuesday - May 19th, 2020Categories: coronavirus, Health Care, media, Trumpism, war and peace

USAF F-16 “Fighting Falcon” as used by “Thunderbirds” aerobatic team:
Unit cost: $US29.1m; operational cost $US8k/hour

US War Budget FY 2021: $US934bn

US Total Deaths from COVID-19 (as of 05.20.2020): 90,340

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