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A Few Bad Apples

By mike flugennockTuesday - September 30th, 2014Categories: Black Lives Matter, liberty, media

As far back as I can remember — the late ’60s or so — after every outbreak of police violence, government officials and media droids would try to blow it off with some hand-waving bullshit about “a few bad apples”.

I didn’t buy it back then, and I’m not buying it now.

11×14 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 760kb

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American Handala

By mike flugennockTuesday - September 2nd, 2014Categories: Black Lives Matter, Middle East, Obamarama, War on Terror, liberty

You’d have to be living in a cave to not see the clear parallels between the Israeli treatment of Palestinians — and Gazans in particular — and the police abuse and brutalization of poor black neighborhoods in the US. Poor black neighborhoods are occupied by militarized police who murder with impunity, collectively punish, threaten, harass and humiliate residents with tactics learned from the Israeli military. Tear gas, concussion grenades and other weapons used by police in towns like Ferguson, Missouri are manufactured by the same corporations which arm the Israeli military. It’s no surprise that during the Ferguson Rebellion, Palestinians in Gaza provided residents of Ferguson with tips on street fighting and proper techniques for the handling of tear-gas grenades.

This cartoon is in honor of dissident Palestinian cartoonist Naji al-Ali — who was assassinated in 1987 — and his iconic Handala character, and is a call for solidarity between victims of US police brutality and Palestinians enduring the same kind of oppression at the hands of Israel.

11×17 inch color .jpg image, 576kb.

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DC Says “No More Mike Browns!”

By mike flugennockSunday - August 31st, 2014Categories: Black Lives Matter, DC Local, liberty

“No More Mike Browns!” Wash DC 08.30.14 from Mike Flugennock on Vimeo.

The explosion of public outrage over the current wave of police terrorism shows no signs of letting up. Here’s the third night of actions in Washington, DC in solidarity with Ferguson, MO and victims of police terrorism all over the US. We took H Street Northeast and held it all night long.

Don’t look now, folks, but the Moment is turning into a Movement.

TRT: 05:10

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A Message To America

By mike flugennockThursday - August 21st, 2014Categories: Black Lives Matter, Middle East, Obamarama, War on Terror, media

As I post this, the US media have taken a short break from dishing out bullshit on the Ferguson situation in order to crap their drawers over the beheading of journalist James Foley by ISIS militant fighters in Iraq — and once again, the US media’s hypocrisy has pegged my Crap-O-Meter so hard that the needle broke off.

I’d like to take this moment to suggest that if the US media are unable to address the ongoing police bullying and brutalization of journalists covering the Ferguson Rebellion, then they should just shut the fuck up about James Foley.

11×14 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 713kb.

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