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Cops and the Klan, Hand in Hand

By mike flugennockSaturday - May 5th, 2018Categories: Black Lives Matter, Trumpism, right wingnuts

From Sacramento to Newnan to Charlottesville it should be clear to one and all at this point that the police are there to “protect and serve” corporations and fascists. Now, as always — cops and the Klan go hand in hand.

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Police vs. Cannabis: an Infographic

By mike flugennockMonday - August 29th, 2016Categories: Black Lives Matter, Health Care, environment, liberty, smoke-ins

Ignore the anti-legalization shrieking and propaganda, and consider this little factoid: Police have murdered 765 people in the US this year – so far. Meanwhile, absolutely 0 – count ‘em, ZERO – people worldwide have died as a direct result of smoking cannabis through all of recorded history.

That’s right, smoking cannabis will not kill you – unless you do it in front of a moving bus. See you in DC on September 24!

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Broken Windows

By mike flugennockTuesday - August 16th, 2016Categories: Black Lives Matter, liberty, media

Just a couple of nights ago, yet another black youth was killed by police in America — this time in Milwaukee, touching off a night of rioting which featured the burning of a gas station and the smashing of windows on businesses and cop cars. And as usual, White America and the Boss Media were getting their panties in a twist more about broken windows than human lives.

For those of you who’ve been living in caves since the 1990s, “Broken Windows” has been a policing institution gifted to us by the likes of Rudolph Giuliani in New York City. Basically a pretext for the establishment of paramilitary police occupations of the poorest — and blackest — areas, it was such a hit that “Broken Windows” opened up franchises in pretty much every city in the US, spreading its brand of harassment, profiling, intimidation and brutality.

After observing this form of right-wing “folk wisdom” in action for over twenty years, I can’t help but ask: whose windows are really being broken here?

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Nice Shooting!

By mike flugennockSaturday - July 9th, 2016Categories: Black Lives Matter, liberty

If you’ve noticed, in the past few years, that the behavior and tactics of American police resemble those of Israeli police and soldiers, you’d be right — and these tactics have come into even sharper focus with the murder of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile by police in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Minneapolis, Minnesota recently.

Military occupation tactics, collective punishment, terrorizing and brutalizing neighborhoods, shooting kids for throwing stones — filthy, bloody Israel taught U.S. police everything they know.

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“Israel-trained police ‘occupy’ Missouri after killing of black youth”
Rania Khalek, Electronic Intifada 08.15.14

“From NYC, Ferguson To Baltimore, American Police Are Trained In Apartheid Israel”
Kit O’Connell, MintPress News 05.15.15

“U.S. Police Routinely Travel to Israel to Learn Methods of Brutality and Repression”
Justin Gardner, Free Thought Project 08.30.15

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