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Blast From Yer Past, Aug 2004: “Decision 2004″

By mike flugennockFriday - May 20th, 2022Categories: Afghanistan, Bidenism, Health Care, Party Animals, Ukrainamania, elections, media, war and peace

While I continue getting over surgery and tryna’ get back into a drawing groove, n’shit… let’s flash back to another war that Liberals of both parties lied, blustered and bullied their asses off to drag us into… originally did this for an immediate post-election protest response in DC; it got blasted all over, but I never actually did a blog post, except for this sloppy-ass blurb on my old static html site… so, here it is. Let’s climb aboard the TARDIS, kiddies, and set the dial for the turn of the century:

After one too many mornings of watching Kerry and Bush piss-fighting over Kerry’s war record, I was begging, desperately:
Somebody, Anybody – STOP THE TORTURE of American Voters!

So, I wake up one early morning recently; as usual, my wife’s already awake and has NBC’s “Today” jabbering on the TV. In the thinning fog of my fading REM state I hear candidate John “Lurch” Kerry being interviewed, and he’s telling us how he plans to continue to uphold the corporate/military agenda, after which a Bush campaign ad denounces Lurch for being “too leftist”. I think: jeezus, it’s too damn’ early for this shit. Lurch says he’ll keep doing what the Chimp started, and the Chimp accuses Lurch of being too leftist, it’s only 7:15am, and my brain is already hurting.

Somebody, stop this torture. Somebody make it stop. Somebody, make…it…sto-oopppppp!

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10×13 inch “tortured voter” medium-res color .jpg image, 510kb

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Happy Putsch-aversary!

By mike flugennockTuesday - January 4th, 2022Categories: 2020 Election, Bidenism, Party Animals, Trumpism, elections, media, right wingnuts

It may have been a putsch from a Mel Brooks movie, but it was still a goddamn putsch. And what is our so-called “opposition party” doing about it? From the looks of things — much like reproductive rights — the Democrats have absolutely no plans to actually DO ANYTHING about it other than dragging their “investigation” out as long as they can so they can use it to fundraise for the midterms and for ‘24, keep the Liberals in line, and beat down the Left.

And speaking of beatdowns, why the hell aren’t Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz in jail and expelled from Congress? F’crissake, they supported a goddamn fascist putsch. They’re friggin’ collaborators. Hell, Greene even gave a bunch of chuds a full recon tour. Why haven’t the Democrats tried to have them expelled from the House and thrown in the goddamn can instead of “reaching across the aisle” and all that horseshit?

It’s because the Democrats are collaborators, too.

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Happy Trails!

By mike flugennockSunday - September 5th, 2021Categories: Bidenism, Health Care, Party Animals, elections

Is it just me, or has The Atlantic become our one-stop shop for tone-deaf shit takes? My current favorite clunker concerns the fascist abortion law in Texas, and its potential to turn out the vote for the Democrats. Yeah, that’s right — Texas has gone full-on fascist with this shit, a fistful of other states are reportedly considering going that way, and the Democrats’ number one priority is — exploiting encroaching fascism to rustle up votes and money for the midterms, and herd the Left back into the Party. Git along, little dogies. H’yahhh.

if you are playing games with repoduction rights to stick it to the other side in the midterms then you’re not fighting for anyone’s rights, you’re fighting for your own power.
And while we see you doing nothing in power except offering empty promises for when you get more,

vegan honk thinks it’s fucked, @VeganHonk666 on Twitter

C’mon, Trigger, we can still ketch ‘em…! Yippie Ty yi yayy!
Time for a song, now…

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Low-Priority File

By mike flugennockWednesday - June 30th, 2021Categories: Bidenism, Economy, Health Care, Party Animals, coronavirus, elections, environment

…and apparently, for the Washington Post and the Democratic Party, holding their President to account for unfulfilled campaign promises is lodged in a low-priority file somewhere between “Can’t Be Bothered” and “Tough Shit”.

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