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Yellow Jacket

By mike flugennockMonday - December 17th, 2018Categories: Economy, Globalization, liberty

In solidarity with the French revolutionaries of the Gilets Jaunes.

Much of the US Left points to the Gilets Jaunes as proof that protest works, but they couldn’t be more wrong.
Protest doesn’t work; insurrection does.

The Gilets Jaunes didn’t put Macron on the run and achieve a rollback of the regressive “carbon tax” by putting on a big police-permitted march on a Saturday afternoon and returning to work on Monday; they did it by totally disrupting business as usual, by tearing up the streets and burning the motherfucker down, by making the posh shopping districts unshoppable, and making the country ungovernable week after week.

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Guardian Of Law

By mike flugennockFriday - September 28th, 2018Categories: Health Care, liberty, Party Animals, right wingnuts, Trumpism

Just going to leave this here… not addressing the Kavanaugh nomination specifically, but more of a general commentary on a long-decrepit American institution.

(Inspired by James Earle Fraser’s “Guardian of Law” at the West Steps of the Supreme Court Building.)

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Planned Grifterhood

By mike flugennockTuesday - September 11th, 2018Categories: elections, liberty

This little nugget was inspired by one of my peeps over on Mastodon, covering the current state of the Non-Profit Industrial Complex – Planned Parenthood in particular – and the derangement currently afflicting Steinem-era Liberals.

9×17 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 1mb

11×17 inch medium-res color .jpg image, (vertical format) 1.2mb

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News Is Not Your Friend

By mike flugennockTuesday - August 28th, 2018Categories: liberty, media

While the US Left was busy filling every pair of BVD’s in the drawer over Alex Jones, Facebook was busy suppressing Leftist media outlets like Electronic Intifada and TeleSur — with the blessing and assistance of right-wing think tank and NATO lobbyists The Atlantic Council.

Rightists own pretty much all the major media in this country, drench the airwaves in toxic right-wing talking points, and scream the loudest about “censorship” while, in the meantime, Leftist journalists and publications — doing the job that journalists should be doing — take most of the heat from rightists and centrists in the major US media and political establishment.

“Fake News Is Not Your Friend” shout the oppressively bland billboards in our cities; it’s perfectly obvious now that the subtext here is actually just “News Is Not Your Friend”.

11×11 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 762kb

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