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How America Deals With Gun Violence

By mike flugennockSunday - January 27th, 2013Categories: Afghanistan, media, Obamarama

When I saw the initial reports on the Newtown school shootings, I knew I could pretty much skip any “news” coming out after that as I’d seen the same cycle of public hair-pulling, slobbering media frenzy (including cartoonists), and wacky-assed “solutions” every time this had happened — going back to Columbine High, if not earlier.

I’d pretty much gotten to the point where I could guess almost exactly what was going to happen, and when — from the initial round of wailing, moaning and candlelight vigils. to the media putting on a circus, to El Presidente giving a variation of the usual smarmy speech about Our Murdered Children, to the cockamamie suggestions from mainstream Liberals and the NRA, to Pat Robertson saying something intensely stupid, to Liberals wasting time getting bent out of shape over whatever stupid shit Pat Robertson said, to some weasly legislative “solution” that does absolutely nothing to address the fact that American society was built on violence from the ground up… and finally to the media deciding they’ve milked it for all they can and going back to hyping other bullshit, like the next phony budget crisis.

11.5 x 11 inch medium-res grayscale .jpg image, 500kb.

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“I Have A Drone”

By mike flugennockTuesday - January 22nd, 2013Categories: Afghanistan, elections, Obamarama, war and peace, War on Terror

Seen above here is the famous Ben Ali’s Chili Bowl on U Street, a landmark of historic black DC, as spotted on the morning of Inauguration Day. Sadly, the window display is presented entirely without irony.

A little later, though, at Malcolm X Park… what better way to celebrate Martin Luther King’s Birthday than with an anti-drone warfare protest? Who would King bomb?

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Yer Liberals, Episode 2: “Make Him Do It”

By mike flugennockFriday - November 9th, 2012Categories: Afghanistan, Economy, elections, liberty, media, Obamarama, Party Animals, war and peace, War on Terror

Remember back in school, when the class bully would dump your books, shove you into your locker and try to shake you down for your lunch money, and you’d say “hey, c’mon, quit it!”, and the bully would get up in your face and sneer “make me”? Well, that’s the mental image I get when I hear Pwogwessives and Liberals talking about what they need to do to get Obama to honor his promises and implement more progressive policies, and they say that they need to “hold his feet to the fire” and “make him do it”.

Trouble is, they had their chance to put pressure on Obama and the Donkeycrats, but once again, they pissed it away — in the recent so-called election, when they could’ve organized a boycott, withholding their support and sending a message to the Donkeycrats in the only language they understand: defeat at the polls.

Instead, the Pwogs and Liberals spent four years pissing and moaning about how Obama went back on all his promises and pretty much continued all of Bush’s policies of warmongering, imperialism and attacks on civil liberties — and then turned right around and voted for him again. Christ, that’s got to be the most retarded thing I’ve ever heard of — real, honest-to-God short-bus-riding, helmet-wearing-in-class, drooling-in-your-lap deep-down retarded.

11×17 inch medium-res grayscale .jpg image, 928kb.

At Chris Floyd’s Empire Burlesque: Napalm in the Morning (Drones in the Afternoon): The Smell of Victory Stirs Progressives to Action

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Yer Liberals

By mike flugennockWednesday - September 26th, 2012Categories: Afghanistan, Economy, elections, Health Care, liberty, Obamarama, Party Animals, war and peace, War on Terror

The continuing adventures of The Forty-Seven Percent.

My follow-up to last week’s anatomical chart.
11×17 inch grayscale .jpg image, 660kb.

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