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Choose Joy.

By mike flugennockThursday - October 24th, 2024Categories: 2024 Election, Bidenism, elections, media, Palestine, Party Animals

So, I’m out doing my laps earlier this week, and I spot this lawn sign in front of a house about 2 blocks around the corner from us — and all I can think is that somebody in the DNC’s ad agencies isn’t quite clear on the concept of “joy”. Not just as an intelligent human, but as a designer and art director with 30+ years in the biz, I gotta say that this choice of color and typography does NOT bespeak “joy”.

The sign glowers at me, dark and mean, telling me to “choose joy” as if issuing an order, as if implying “…or ELSE” — coming off like the latest in a long line of fascistic, authoritarian slogans: War Is Peace, Freedom Is Slavery, Ignorance Is Strength; Arbeit Macht Frei; Country Over Party. Choose Joy, or else.

8.5 x 12 inch high-res color .jpg image, 909 kb

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Welcome…! (Instant Karma no.2)

By mike flugennockMonday - October 14th, 2024Categories: 2024 Election, Bidenism, Economy, elections, Middle East, Palestine

I wish I’d screenshot or bookmarked the tweet I spotted on Facebook featuring a grinning Kay-Kay and Netanyahu shaking hands, with a headline announcing the latest amount of my tax money being shipped off to fund a genocide in Palestine. Not that it matters that much these days, as it’s always such an insanely stonking amount of cash that remembering the actual goddamn number doesn’t seem that important anymore.

Luckily, though, I did save this headline from the Washington Post a couple of days ago, about how the Small Business Administration’s disaster relief fund is already tapped out. Tough luck, MAGA Boy, the money to rebuild your surf shop just went to bomb a bunch of people living in tents.

What goes around, America…

11 x 16.5 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 786kb

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Wishing Stars

By mike flugennockFriday - October 4th, 2024Categories: 2024 Election, Bidenism, Middle East, Palestine, war and peace

Keep asking for it, and ye shall receive it.

11×17 inch high-res color .jpg image, 1.9mb

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Magic Kingdom (or, Hope’N’Joy)

By mike flugennockTuesday - September 10th, 2024Categories: 2024 Election, Bidenism, elections, media, Middle East, Palestine, Party Animals, right wingnuts, Russiagate, Trumpism, war and peace

My customary Random 15 Seconds Of MSNBC the other morning featured some nasal-vocal-frying “guest analyst” from some dime-a-dozen downtown think tank babbling to the effect of “…Dick Cheney is changing hearts and minds — great!” while discussing ex-VP Dick Cheney’s announcement that he’s voting for Kamala Harris. Hot damn diggety, talk about a positively ringing endorsement.

Looks like the DNC is totally hitting the goddamn trifecta this time around, too — they’ve got Liz Cheney denouncing Trump, her old man — a known worldwide war criminal — announcing he’s voting for Kay Kay, and they actually FLOATED GEORGE W. BUSH AS A SPEAKER AT THEIR GODDAMN CONVENTION, F’CRISSAKE.

So, am I the only one here who remembers when the DNC thought that Cheney was the walking, talking, living, breathing earthly embodiment of pure evil and that George W. Bush was THE WORST PRESIDENT EVAH? No, really, I mean it, ‘cos I need to make absolutely 110% sure that I didn’t totally fucking hallucinate the past quarter century.

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