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First Insurgent Aerial Attack Squadron Gear

By mike flugennockMonday - January 5th, 2009Categories: Bushit, Iraq, media, war and peace

Are you getting pissed? I mean, really, REALLY pissed? Well, don’t just sit there doing bong hits and watching “Adult Swim” — ­get up, rise up, and show ’em your shoes! Show your solidarity with the Iraqi shoe-throwing reporter! Let ’em know you’re ready to “keep ’em flying”!


Black Cotton t-shirt, $20.99;
3.5″ button, 10-pack, $24.99;
2.25″ button, 10-pack, $15.99

…and, check out more Official FIAAS Gear here!

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Mission Accomplished!

By mike flugennockWednesday - December 17th, 2008Categories: Bushit, Iraq, media, war and peace

So, I’m poring over the Drudge Report in my daily search for cheap laffs, and finding out what the Enemy is up to, and I come across this Associated Press dispatch from Baghdad reporting on the Iraqi reporter who threw his shoes at President Chimp, and thinking “whoa, that’s some cheap laffs – and he almost hit the sonofabitch, too! Sweet!” and move on with whatever I was doing…


Later that day, I go by Drudge again, and find another story from Agencie France-Presse noting that the perpetrator of this “shoe-icide attack” is being hailed as a hero in most of the Arab World, and the next thing I know the whole world’s raising hell to get the guy out of prison, it’s being reported that he’s being beaten in custody, there are demonstrations and rallies all over in solidarity, and I’m thinking…holy shit, this story’s really grown some legs, man!

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Decision 2008

By mike flugennockThursday - February 7th, 2008Categories: Bushit, elections, Iraq, liberty, media, Party Animals

decision2008So, I wake up early one morning recently; as usual, my wife’s already awake and has MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” babbling on the TV. In the thinning fog of my fading Rapid Eye Movement state I hear Barack Obama telling us how he plans to continue upholding the corporate/military agenda, after which I can just make out some unhinged rightist nutcake denouncing John McCain for being too Liberal. A gaggle of pundits ranging from tepid centrist to shrieking fascist have a bitching, shouting argument over who’ll do the best job of bombing and torturing for the next four years. One pundit calls McCain a closet Liberal, another calls Obama a Socialist, and I think: jeezus, it’s too goddamn’ early for this shit. It’s only 7am, and my brain is already hurting.

Then, I realize that this has been going on for over a year and will continue until November, and I think, “oh, Jeezus, no. Please. Somebody, stop this goddamn’ torture. Somebody make it stop. Somebody, anybody — make…it…STOP…!”

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Remember Our MIAs!

By mike flugennockMonday - December 24th, 2007Categories: Bushit, elections, Iraq, liberty, Party Animals

And so, another year has gone, and it’s fitting, I think, for us to remember The Missing, the MIAs. At every challenge to the Constitution and Liberty, The Missing were…MIA. When the time came to stand and fight for what was right, the MIAs were Missing, but not forgotten. Even today, with Freedom on attack from all sides, you can count on The Missing to be…MIAs. So, now, let us pause and Remember The Missing.


Indeed, remember the MIAs, so that they may never be forgotten, especially for those of you planning on participating in the next “election” — if they think they “don’t have the votes” now, just wait until next November. That’s right, November, ten months away — ten…long…MONTHS.

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