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New Ukrainian Flag

By mike flugennockMonday - April 18th, 2022Categories: Bidenism, Economy, media, war and peace

Take a look at this graph. Go on, kiddos — take a big, long, steamy gawk.
Same shit, different day: They can never afford housing, healthcare or education, but there’s always money for war.

Getting a single, lousy-ass $1400 “stimulus check” out of those geezers on Capitol Hill was like pulling teeth. They never would extend unemployment or rent relief for the people still out of work because they were still in quarantine, or because the companies they worked for went under during the pandemic — and the bastards’n'bitches still refuse to discuss national healthcare despite this country being ravaged by a worldwide pandemic.

Whenever it comes to funding national healthcare, or free college, or subsidized housing, we have to have a “national conversation” about it, we can’t afford it, we have to “make some hard choices”. But, when it’s time to fund the Pentagon? No prob, guys, here’s $800bn. Wait, y’sure that’s enough? How about an extra hundred billion big boys just in case?

Don’t let anybody tell you whose war this is. It’s not for the Ukrainian people, or Democracy, or freedom, or Western values, or any of that horseshit. It’s Joe Biden’s war, it’s NATO’s war, it’s the EU’s war, Boris Johnson’s war, Emmanuel Macron’s war, Olaf Scholz’s war, the IMF’s war, Wall Street’s war, Boeing and Raytheon and Lockheed Martin’s war.

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A Frightening Situation

By mike flugennockSaturday - April 9th, 2022Categories: Bidenism, Ukrainamania, media, war and peace

Inspired by the rip-roaring coverage of atrocities, war crimes, and miscellaneous ruthlessness by America’s Official Enemy against the Ukraine in the very same corporate-owned Western media who worked itself to death to cover up atrocities, war crimes, and miscellaneous ruthlessness by the Earth’s enemy against Iraq and Afghanistan — not to mention pushing the most insane-ass kind of comic-book lies about (ahem) Weapons Of Mass Destruction — about 18, 20 years or so ago. But, now…? Cripes, man, the Boss Media in the US and its “international community” are all about war crimes and atrocities and bombed civilians and the Hague n’shit. Wotta goddamn joke.

I shit you not, kiddies — if this were a foto of a similar scene in Gaza, of Palestinian women getting ready to resist the terrorism of the IDF and Israeli colonists, do you honestly think Reuters — and MSNBC, CNN, the NY Times, the Washington Post, the Atlantic, all the usual suspects — would run some noble, heart-wrenching piece on ordinary women rushing to the defense of their country against invaders?

Naaaaahhhhhhhhhh. It’d be some horseshit about defenseless, peaceful little Israelis just minding their own while the mean, evil terrorist Palestinians try to resist the defenseless, peaceful little Israelis’ attempts to drive them out of their homes and murder them.

The likes of Reuters didn’t give a shit about civilians during the US invasion of Iraq, and they don’t really give a shit now. They didn’t give a shit about war crimes during the US occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, and they don’t really give a shit now.

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Ode To Joy

By mike flugennockMonday - February 21st, 2022Categories: Bidenism, China, coronavirus, media

Y’know that stupid game you play with fortune cookies in which you read the fortune out loud and add the phrase “in bed” at the end…? Well, that’s apparently the favorite little fun game with the brain-rotted US media with regard to China, especially at the Olympics this past week — find any news of any positive achievement of or any news that reflects well on China, and the US Boss Media will be right on top of it with their shallow bitching and moaning about “human rights”, trot out their victims of the week, fling some over-hyped apocryphal stories around and wail “but at what cost”?

The front page of the Washington Post — where Democracy died long ago and is now beginning to smell really pungent in darkness — put on quite a show this past Saturday, pissing and moaning about the job the Chinese did of keeping covid under control during the Olympics, claiming that it “kept the joy out of the Games” and at “great mental and financial costs”. It was a headline so galling that I had to just kind of stand there in the front hall, slack-jawed, sputtering and giggling as I read and re-read it.

I was almost in awe of it, somehow — a gaggle of hacks from a corporate mouthpiece in the seat of the US Empire, which had twice as many covid-19 deaths last week than China had all of last year, is having a tantrum about China taking the steps any responsible government should do during a public health emergency, filling its pants about how it took the joy out of the Olympics. Myself, I think any “joy” issues our friends here had came more from the shock of being shown up by a Chinese-American who chose to ski for China, and by a government which treats healthcare as a public good rather than a commodity.

Yeah, shame those horrid, awful Chinese commies took appropriate action to mitigate the spread of an infectious pathogen and took a little bit of the “joy” out of it for you — not nearly as awesome as here in the good old USA, where we’re joyful and free and lost nearly a million people to covid19 last year.

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Omicron Lights — They’re MILD!

By mike flugennockMonday - January 10th, 2022Categories: Bidenism, Health Care, coronavirus, media

Schoolkids and teachers in the UK, Chicago, Oakland and NYC are being clobbered, child infections are jumping, hospitals are being swamped, but the State and the media keep telling us that it’s “mild” — over and over and over again, beating the word to death like a slow, painful mantra, kind of like “Weapons of Mass Destruction”… or, perhaps the end of a cigarette commercial in the 1950s or ’60s — “…and, they are mild!”

Al Jazeera’s just precious as hell, here. They really do think the Chinese are some kind of weirdos for actually trying to eradicate covid — they had what… two deaths last year? — while, back in The West™, we’ve thrown in the towel; State spokespeople have laughed in our faces on live TV, and thrown the working class to the wolves with a big, hot, sloppy slice of “learning to live with it”.

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